
A skin condition characterized by skin blemishes that typically appears in adolescence but may also appear later in adulthood. Acne results from overactive sebaceous [oil] glands that block the skin's pores and cause blackheads which become inflamed and purulent - pimples.


Tranquilizes nerve endings and promotes pain relief

An extreme lack of appetite appearing among girls who restrain themselves from eating.

Kills germs and slows their development

Prevents fungal infections

Immunizes against viruses and their development

Arouses sexual desire

An eating disorder appearing among girls, characterized by normal eating habits followed by induced vomiting.

Candida is a type of fungal yeast which is present in every person's body, though generally not harmful, as it is held in check by friendly intestinal bacteria. At times, due to a weak immune system and/or a course of antibiotics, the candida spreads outward from the intestines, causing a variety of symptoms such as thrush, headaches, depression, fatigue, cravings for sweets, etc.

An inflammation of cell tissue - subcutaneous fat cells gradually thicken and accumulate fibrous collagen, which traps fluid within. Cellulite is generally found on the outside section of the thighs and, at times, on the hips and buttocks, appearing as puckered skin. Cellulitis is hereditary and may result from a hormonal imbalance or lack of exercise.

Chancre Sores
Rough and painful ulcers in the oral cavity, on the tongue or lips, caused by injury or infectious disease.

A skin inflammation characterized by reddish, edematous and irritated skin. This condition generally stems from sensitivities to materials with which the skin comes into contact or allergies.

A skin inflammation characterized by cysts, redness, scales and itchiness. Eczema may develop due to a variety of reasons such as allergies, tension, food sensitivities, or an attempt by the body to rid itself of toxins that have accumulated.

Removes excess phlegm from the lungs

A rupture in the rectum accompanied by a watery suppurated discharge causing itchiness, pain and discomfort.

Dead tissue in the injured area results from a disruption in the blood supply to the tissue. The color of the gangrenous tissue is black and it is accompanied at first by strong pain, followed by the loss of feeling. Gangrene is caused by injury to and infection of the blood vessels.

The production of a large quantity of melanocytes (skin cells that produce brown pigment) that cause certain areas of the skin to appear darker than normal. Hyperpigmentation is caused by sun exposure, a hormonal imbalance or a weakened immune system.

Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain caused by pressure or irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Premenstrual syndrome may be accompanied by cramps, moodiness, breast swelling and food cravings.

Psoriasis is a skin condition that results from the irregular cell division of cutaneous [skin] cells. New skin cells grow at a faster pace than dead skin cells are shed. The skin of psoriasis sufferers appears red and scaly. Psoriasis is a genetic condition that is exacerbated by tension.

Renews skin cells

A common skin condition that may appear at any age. Symptoms include inflamed skin [dermatitis], oily skin and dandruff in the hair.

An inflammation of the nasal cavity caused by a cold, allergy, or flu that causes swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose and blocks the passages from the nose to the sinus. Symptoms are headaches, nausea, an excess of mucous in the nose and, at times, high fever.

Energizes and stimulates the production of adrenaline

Strengthens and improves physical performance

An open internal or external wound not caused by injury.

Varicose Veins
A swelling of the veins in the legs that generally stems from poor blood circulation. The walls and valves of blood vessels lose elasticity principally as a result of extended periods of standing, poor nutrition or pregnancy. The veins appear distended, with accompanying pain and fatigue in the legs.

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